From Enterprise Design with EDGY
Revision as of 00:18, 11 January 2023 by Js (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The enterprise design facets model provides three fundamental perspectives on the enterprise. These facilitate exploration, design and co-creation from within each perspective and across them. The facets are connected through their intersections the overlaps in the venn diagram. They allow specialists in every discipline to focus on what matters most to them, and then express their findings and designs in a way that makes sense not just to their fellow specialists, but t...")
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The enterprise design facets model provides three fundamental perspectives on the enterprise. These facilitate exploration, design and co-creation from within each perspective and across them. The facets are connected through their intersections the overlaps in the venn diagram. They allow specialists in every discipline to focus on what matters most to them, and then express their findings and designs in a way that makes sense not just to their fellow specialists, but to everyone else using the enterprise design facets and its unifying language. Exploring each facet separately provides depth and detailed insight; connecting the facets together provides breadth and holistic oversight.